health benefits of watermelon

10 Health benefits of watermelon you didn’t know about

There are many health benefits of watermelon. This delicious fruit is not only low in calories and a good source of nutrients, but it also has some impressive health benefits. For example, watermelon is a great way to hydrate your body and can help improve your cardiovascular health. In this article, we will discuss the nutritional value of watermelon and explore some of its other health benefits.

What is water melon?

Watermelons are a type of fruit known by the scientific name Citrullus lanatus. They are part of the cucurbitaceae family, which includes other fruits such as cucumbers, squash, and pumpkins. They are native to Africa, and they have been cultivated for thousands of years. The fruit is prized for its juicy flesh, which is typically red or pink in color. Watermelons are typically round or oval in shape, and they can weigh anywhere from five to twenty-five pounds.


In addition to their delicious flesh, they also contain seeds that can be eaten or used for planting. They are a popular summertime treat, and they can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. They can be eaten fresh, made into juice or cocktails, or even pickled. No matter how they are consumed, watermelons are sure to provide a refreshing and satisfying treat.


There are many different types of watermelons, each with its own unique flavor and texture. The most common type of watermelon is the red-fleshed watermelon, which is what most people think of when they think of watermelons. However, there are also yellow- and orange-fleshed varieties, as well as seedless watermelons. Watermelons can range in size from just a few pounds to over 200 pounds, and they can be either round or oval in shape. No matter what type of watermelon you choose, you’re sure to enjoy its refreshing taste.

Watermelon nutrition facts

Watermelons are a refreshing and healthy summer treat. Not only are they low in calories, but they also contain important vitamins and minerals. Watermelons are an excellent source of Vitamin C, which helps to boost immunity and promote healthy skin. They are also a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant that has been linked to a reduced risk of cancer. In addition, watermelons contain potassium, which helps to regulate blood pressure and keep the heart healthy.

It is also a good source of vitamins A and B6, as well as lycopene, an antioxidant that has been linked to heart health. In addition, watermelon is 92% water, making it a great choice for people who are looking to stay hydrated.

1 wedge watermelon (approximately 268 grams) contains the following nutrients:

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing summer fruit that offers numerous health benefits. For one, it’s a great source of hydration, as it’s packed with water. It also contains electrolytes like potassium and magnesium, which are important for maintaining proper fluid balance in the body. Additionally, watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as lycopene—an antioxidant that has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. Plus, it’s low in calories and fat-free, making it a great choice for those watching their weight.

1. Keeps you hydrated, aids digestion and detoxification

When ingested, watermelon keeps you hydrated. Because it is made up of mostly water, it is a useful tool in helping the body to absorb and retain moisture. It is also effective in balancing water intake, as many adults do not consume enough water on a daily basis. This is especially important during summer months, when temperatures are higher and you can lose fluids more quickly due to sweating.

Watermelon is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a nutritious fruit that can offer a variety of health benefits. For example, watermelon is a good source of magnesium and potassium, which are important for detoxification. Potassium maintains circulatory health and aids in the management of blood flow and hydration levels in the body, while magnesium aids in eliminating water weight by lowering water retention in the gut.

Watermelon juice also reduced fasting blood glucose levels in diabetic mouse models, according to animal research. This data suggests that watermelon juice may alter the composition of the gut microbiome, which can result in beneficial metabolic changes.

2. It could work to reduce cancer risk

According to some studies, watermelon may help reduce the risk of cancer. The main active ingredient in watermelon is lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. Some research suggests that lycopene intake may help protect against certain types of cancer, such as prostate cancer. Lycopene has been shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which can cause imbalances among free radical molecules. Chronic inflammation has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, so by lowering inflammation, lycopene may help to prevent cancer cells from growing. The research also showed that lycopene may lower the risk of digestive tract diseases in men.

In addition, watermelon is a good source of vitamins A and C, which are also believed to play a role in cancer prevention. So, if you’re looking for a way to reduce your cancer risk, watermelon may be a good option. Just be sure to eat it in moderation, as it is high in sugar.

3. It’s great for your skin health and eye protection

Watermelon is not only delicious, but it’s also good for your eyes. It contains important nutrients that play a role in protecting eye health, including vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin C, lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients help to filter out harmful blue light and protect the delicate cells of the eye. Watermelon is also a good source of lycopene, which is known to be effective in macular degeneration. In a study of macular degeneration, participants with low levels of lycopene had a greater risk of suffering from the condition. Watermelon lycopene has been found to be an effective treatment for this eye disease. So, next time you’re looking for a healthy snack, reach for a slice of watermelon.

Watermelon can also be beneficial for your skin. The water, vitamin A (it helps repair skin cells), and vitamin B6 in watermelon help to keep the skin soft, smooth, and firm. Vitamin C increases collagen production, which helps to increase the elasticity of the face. Vitamin B6, which reduces skin dryness, prevents acne and reduces redness if used regularly. Lycopen, an antioxidant found in watermelon, is said to help reduce your risk of getting sunburn. While these benefits are impressive, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be applying sunscreen regularly as a precaution. So, if you’re looking for a delicious way to improve your skin and eye health, make sure to add watermelon to your diet.

4. It may improve heart health and regulate blood pressure

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that is not only good for your health, but may also help improve heart health. According to recent research, lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in watermelon, may decrease the likelihood of heart attacks and stroke. Additionally, studies have shown that drinking watermelon extract could help reduce blood pressure over time. The beneficial effects of watermelon include lowering cholesterol levels, reducing arterial stiffness, and improving systolic blood pressure in persons with hypertension.

Potassium and magnesium, two nutrients essential for heart health, are also found in watermelon. Potassium helps to lower blood pressure by regulating sodium levels in the body. Magnesium has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

In addition, L citrullines are a protein that occurs in watermelon. A recent publication of a study shows that adding a dietary supplement to L citrulline increases cardiovascular health. The study found that L citrulline supplementation reduced resting blood pressure in patients with hypertension. In addition, L citrulline helped improve fitness among adolescents. These findings suggest that L citrulline may be a promising new therapy for hypertension and other cardiovascular conditions. Further research is needed to confirm these findings and to determine the optimal dose and duration of supplementation.

So if you’re looking for a delicious way to improve your heart health, add watermelon to your diet today!

5. It could help with weight management

While watermelon is often thought of as a summertime treat, this delicious fresh fruit can actually be enjoyed year-round. In addition to being a good source of vitamins and minerals, watermelon is also low in calories and contains special compounds that may help with weight management.

Watermelon is high in water but also has a low fiber content. Both of these factors can aid in the maintenance of a healthy digestive system. Fiber adds to the volume of urine and helps keep your weight steady, whereas water aids in the movement of waste into your intestines.

In a 2019 study, people who consumed watermelon instead of low-fat cookies had more energy and lost weight. The participants also had lower levels of body fat after eating watermelon as part of their daily diet. As a result, including watermelon in your diet could be a helpful way to manage your weight.

6. It may help reduce inflammation

It is rich in antioxidants, including lycopene and vitamin C, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation over time. Chronic inflammation can cause serious health problems such as asthma and diabetes.

Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline, which is converted into another amino acid called arginine. Arginine has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, and it is also known to boost immune function.

7. Helps to erectile dysfunction

While watermelon may not be the first food that comes to mind when considering erection health, this juicy fruit may actually have some benefits for men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED). According to a recent study, watermelon contains a compound known as citrulline, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels, much like Viagra.

In addition, watermelon is rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that are essential for sexual health. For example, watermelon is a good source of vitamin C, which has been shown to improve circulation and reduce stress levels, both of which are important for maintaining an erection. While more research is needed to confirm these findings, eating watermelon may be a delicious way to improve your erectile function.

8. Supports immune health

Watermelon’s many benefits to immune health have been observed in animal studies. These benefits include reducing inflammation and improving antioxidant capacity, as well as increasing levels of arginine. Arginine is a vital amino acid in the production of nitric oxide, which helps expand blood vessels and lower blood pressure. The immune system is also regulated by nitric oxide, which also affects the inflammatory process.

Watermelon is a good source of vitamins A and C all of which are important for a healthy immune system. Vitamin A helps to protect against infections, while vitamin C boosts the production of white blood cells.

In addition, watermelon contains lycopene, a carotenoid that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory properties. Therefore, watermelon consumption can have many positive effects on immune health. So, not only does watermelon taste great, but it can also help to keep your immune system strong.

9. Helps avoid kidney stones

Kidney stones are a common condition that can cause excruciating pain when they pass through the urinary tract. Though there are many potential causes of kidney stones, one of the most preventable is dehydration. When the body doesn’t have enough fluid, urine becomes concentrated and minerals can start to crystallize, leading to the formation of kidney stones.

Because watermelon is more than 90% water, it is an excellent fruit for staying hydrated and preventing kidney stones. Additionally, watermelon contains citric acid, which helps to keep urine acidic and prevents the formation of calcium oxalate stones, the most common type of kidney stone. So next time you’re looking for a summer snack that will keep you hydrated and healthy, reach for a fresh watermelon.

10. Can aid to acid reflux relief

Watermelons are not only a delicious and refreshing fruit, but they may also offer some relief for those who suffer from acid reflux. The high water content of watermelons can help to neutralize stomach acid and reduce the incidence of heartburn. Additionally, the amino acid citrulline, which is found in watermelons, has been shown to relax the smooth muscles of the esophagus, helping to prevent the painful symptoms of acid reflux.

They are a part of the GAPS diet, which helps treat digestive diseases and lessen inflammation. Watermelon is believed to regulate pH levels, calm the gastrointestinal tract, and lessen inflammation and acid production in the body. However, people sensitive to high FODMAP foods may experience discomfort from watermelon’s fructose content.

While more research is needed to confirm these effects, adding a few slices of watermelon to your diet may be a tasty way to help relieve your acid reflux.

11. Can Improve Exercise Recovery

A new study has found that watermelon may help improve exercise recovery. The study, found that consuming watermelon after exercise can help to reduce muscular soreness and inflammation. The findings suggest that the natural nutrients in watermelon, such as citrulline and lycopene, may help to speed up the recovery process.

Citrulline is known to improve blood flow, while lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce inflammation. The researchers believe that the combination of these two nutrients may help to reduce muscle soreness and aid in the repair of damaged tissue. The study participants who consumed watermelon after exercise also had lower levels of creatine kinase, an enzyme that is released into the bloodstream when muscles are damaged. This suggests that watermelon may help to reduce the amount of muscle damage that occurs during exercise. The findings of this study suggest that watermelon may be an effective tool for improving exercise recovery.

Risks and side effects of watermelon

While watermelon is generally safe to eat, there is one potential risks and side effect to be aware of. Watermelon is high in sugar, which can cause problems for people with diabetes or other blood sugar disorders. While this risk are relatively minor, it is important to be aware of them before consuming watermelons.

When it’s Best?

Most watermelons are harvested between June and August, but the exact timing can vary depending on the variety and the growing conditions. For instance, early-season varieties like Icebox and Sugar Baby are typically ready to harvest in 60-70 days, while late-season varieties like Crimson Sweet can take up to 95 days.

In general, you’ll know a watermelon is ripe when the rind turns from green to deep yellow or dull white, and the stem slips easily from the vine. The underside of the watermelon should be yellow or cream-colored, and the stem should come off easily. If you thump the watermelon and it sounds hollow, that’s another good sign that it’s ready to eat. Of course, the best way to tell if a watermelon is ripe is to cut it open and take a look. The flesh should be pink or red, and free of any bruises or blemishes. With a little practice, you’ll be able to tell when a watermelon is ripe and enjoy this delicious fruit all summer long!

How to choose the perfect watermelon?

Choosing the perfect watermelon can seem like a daunting task, but there are a few simple tips that can help.

  1. Look for a watermelon that is uniform in shape and size.
  2. Check for any cracks or blemishes on the skin.
  3. Give the watermelon a thump – it should have a deep, hollow sound.
  4. Hold the watermelon up to your ear and give it a shake – you should hear seeds rattling around inside.

By following these simple tips, you can be sure to choose a delicious, juicy watermelon every time.

Preparing Watermelon

Watermelon is a refreshing fruit that can be enjoyed in many different ways. One simple way to prepare watermelon is to cut it into slices or “half moons.” This is a great option for poolside snacks or picnics. For a more unique flavor, watermelon can also be grilled for 1-2 minutes. This will caramelize some of the sugars in the fruit, resulting in a sweet treat. Watermelon is also delicious when added to fruit salad. Simply place it in an ice-filled bowl to keep it cool. This will help to ensure that the watermelon stays fresh and juicy.


1. Watermelon Salsa: Start by dicing up fresh watermelon, red onion, and jalapeno. Add in some chopped fresh cilantro and lime juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve with tortilla chips or on top of grilled chicken or fish.

2. Watermelon Gazpacho: In a blender, combine diced watermelon, cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, garlic, ginger, and lime juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve chilled with croutons or diced avocado on top.

3. Watermelon Sorbet: Puree watermelon in a blender or food processor. Add in sugar and lemon juice to taste. Pour mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions. Serve immediately or store in the freezer for later.


4. Watermelon Margaritas: Start by blending watermelon chunks in a blender or food processor until smooth. Combine watermelon puree, tequila, triple sec, and lime juice in a pitcher and stir to combine. Rim glasses with salt and garnish with lime wedges if desired. Serve over ice.

5. Watermelonade: Simply blend watermelon chunks in a blender or food processor until smooth. Add in sugar and lemon juice to taste. Serve over ice or refrigerate for later.

Watermelon is a delicious summer fruit that can be enjoyed in many different ways. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing poolside snack or a unique grilling recipe, watermelon is sure to please. Be sure to check out these recipes for water

Benefits of watermelon juice

The NCBI has published a study showing watermelon juice may help reduce muscle pain while exercising during workouts. Watermelon juice formulated with L-citrulline significantly reduced muscle soreness during race and reduced plasma lactate during the exercise. While more studies need to be done to understand how l-citrulline affects muscle soreness, the potential benefits are clear.


For athletes, this means being able to train harder and for longer periods of time without the same amount of soreness. For those who are looking to improve their fitness, this could mean shorter recovery times and less pain overall. Watermelon juice is a natural and relatively easily accessible product that could have significant benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Decorative watermelon carving

Watermelon carvings are a fun and elegant way to add creativity to your next meal. By cutting jagged edged teeth into the middle third of the watermelon and removing the watermelon flesh, you can create watermelon bowls perfect for salads. Remember to leave one flat hole at the bottom to avoid rolling the bowl out. A whimsical frog can send children diving into the bowls of fresh fruits. With a little creativity, watermelon carvings can add a touch of whimsy or sophistication to your next party or barbecue.

Final Thoughts

Watermelon is not only a refreshing and delicious fruit, but it also offers a number of health benefits. The high water content helps to keep you hydrated, and the electrolytes can help to replenish your body after exercise. The lycopene and antioxidants in watermelon can also help to protect your cells from damage, and the amino acid citrulline may help to improve heart health. Watermelon is a good source of vitamins A, C, and B6, as well as potassium and magnesium. It is low in calories and fat-free, making it a healthy choice for snacks or dessert. So next time you are looking for a nutritious and tasty treat, be sure to reach for watermelon.


Watermelons are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that can provide numerous health benefits. For instance, watermelons are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as lycopene, an antioxidant that has been linked to reduced risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. Furthermore, watermelons are over 90% water, making them a refreshing and hydrating treat on hot summer days.

Watermelons are high in sugar, and as a result, they can cause blood sugar levels to spike. This can be particularly problematic for people with diabetes or other disorders that affect blood sugar levels. For these reasons, fresh watermelon consumption should be made in moderation or be avoided altogether, if you have any concerns about how it may affect your health.

Top 10 health benefits of watermelon.

  1. Ensures proper water retention.
  2. It is rich in nutritive and beneficial plant components.
  3. Often has an antiseptic effect.
  4. It helps in maintaining a healthy heart.
  5. May relieve inflammation and oxidative stress.
  6. Probably helps in preventing macular degeneration.
  7. Reduce sore muscles.
  8. This helps improve skin conditions and reduce the chance of skin infections.
  9. It may also have a diuretic effect.
  10. It is rich in antioxidants.

The simple answer is no. One cup of watermelon contains only 46 calories, and it would take 3,400 extra calories to gain one pound of body weight. Watermelons are also low in sugar, with only 7 grams per cup. In comparison, a cup of grapes has 23 grams of sugar. However, watermelons are high in water content, with 92% of their weight coming from water. As a result, they can help to keep you hydrated and promote a healthy appetite. While they may not cause weight gain, watermelons can be adapted for low-fat diets. Because they have less than half a percent fat, they can be a good choice for those looking to reduce their intake of unhealthy fats.

Watermelon juice is a great way to replenish electrolytes and improve workout performance. The high levels of potassium in watermelon juice can help reduce cramping during exercise, while the natural sugar content provides a quick source of energy. Drinking watermelon juice before or after a workout can also help to prevent dehydration, as it contains both water and electrolytes. Additionally, the amino acid L-citrulline present in watermelon juice has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce muscle soreness. So, if you’re looking for a delicious and healthy way to boost your workout, reach for some watermelon juice.

Watermelon is slightly acidic and if consumed at night, it may delay the process of digestion when the body is inactive. The best time to consume watermelon is between 12 and 1 p.m., when your digestion rate is optimal and active. This helps to ensure that essential nutrients are smoothly digested and absorbed. Watermelon is a refreshing and hydrating fruit that is perfect for a hot summer day. So, enjoy your watermelon juice at the best time for healthy digestion – around noon!

Watermelon juice is a refreshing and healthy drink that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The juice is packed with nutrients and vitamins, including Vitamin C, which is essential for boosting the immune system. Watermelon juice is also a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant that has been linked to various health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. In addition, watermelon juice can help to keep the body hydrated and is a low-calorie alternative to sugary drinks.

Many people are surprised to learn that watermelon is actually not very high in sugar. A cup of watermelon cubes contains only around 7 grams of sugar, which is less than the amount of sugar in a cup of grapes or a small banana. In addition, watermelon is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and lycopene. Watermelon also contains a compound called citrulline, which has been shown to have potential health benefits. For these reasons, watermelon can be a nutritious and refreshing addition to your healthy diet.

Watermelons are not only water dense but their flesh also contains essential electrolytes like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. This means that they offer more hydration than water alone. When you eat watermelon, your body absorbs the water and the electrolytes, which helps to keep you hydrated. Drinking water can also help to keep you hydrated, but it doesn’t contain any electrolytes. So if you’re looking for a way to stay hydrated, reach for a watermelon instead of a glass of water. Your body will thank you!

It is important to moderate your intake of watermelon, as eating too much can cause digestive problems. This is most likely due to the presence of lycopene and sorbitol, sugar compounds which give the fruit its vivid red colour. The combination of these ingredients can cause stomach cramping and loose stool, as well as bloating. Therefore, it is best to enjoy watermelon in moderation to avoid these unpleasant side effects.

Watermelon seeds are a popular snack in many parts of the world, and they are also a good source of nutrition. Though watermelons are mostly water, their seeds contain a variety of nutrients including protein, fat, and fiber. They are also a good source of minerals like zinc and iron. Watermelon seeds can be eaten raw, roasted, or ground into a powder. They can be used in sweet or savory dishes, or simply enjoyed as a crunchy snack. So, next time you eat a watermelon, don’t throw out the seeds – give them a try!

The answer is no, watermelon itself is not fattening. Watermelon is mostly composed of water, and it also contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, if you eat too much of anything, it can lead to weight gain. This is because when you consume more calories than you burn, your body stores the excess as fat. So, if you eat a lot of watermelon or add toppings like whipped cream or chocolate sauce, it can be fattening. However, moderation is key and enjoying watermelon in moderation is perfectly fine.

By NutriWins team

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